Monday, 15 November 2010

Move along slowly, nothing happening here...

As the title says, not much is happening really at the moment - well, there is a little ;o)

Training - going OK. In the 'get strong for the speed work phase' at the moment and it is going well, I'd just say OK. I am actually enjoying getting back into some sort of structure of strength training - the knees and other lower joints are not thanking me for it at the moment but I will persevere with it as it will pays dividends, I am sure :o) Have got a few little niggles that I am a little concerned with like a sore groin that comes on at about 15 minutes into any run but disappears a little later into it and also my right lateral calf is kinda feeling, well, wierd... It feels really tight and like it is going to pull but then sort of eases. I know it is not quite right and I just need to keep on top of it with regular massage and eccentric strengthing... But the strangest one is every morning when I get out of bed, I am getting a pretty bad shooting pain around the cuboid region of my right foot!!! It doesn't come on when I am walking around during the day or even to mention, when I am running but it is a bit worrying :-o

Doggy - my boxer George is getting old and over the last few weeks he had taken a turn for the worse. I took him to the vets fearing the worse and he confirmed that he has a dodgy ticker and possibly kidney failure and or, Cushings disease :o( So, I was faced with the choice of putting him to sleep there and then or taking him home for the night and see how he was in the morning? I thankfully decided the latter. He had a shot of a painkiller there and then and took him home. After another restless night and not too much improvement, I made the decision to see how he would be after another day? The next night, he kinda improved. He started eating a bit more and getting up without to much encouragement :o) As the days have progressed, he has really started to turn things around... He is not laying down for a rest after 10 yards of walking and he is seeming far more alert than he was and just those little things you notice about your pet when they are well, are coming back :o) I'll be the first to admit that he is far from out of the woods as he is an old boy, but his time to go sure ain't yet ;o)

Other stuff - sent of my forms and money off to join REPs and just waiting to hear back from them? Also, my BTF Fast track coaching form was sent off as well and once again, waiting to hear back from them... Still trying to think of a name that encompasses all that I want to cover for my 'little' business? Even though I am very much triathlon focussed, I don't want to corner myself just into one market and don't get me started on what my main focus is going to be!!! Am I a sports therapist who does a bit of PT and coaching on the side or am I a Personal Trainer who dabbles in massage and coaching or, I think you get the message ;o)
Also looking at booking a few more courses for next year, Biomechanics level 2 and possibly a Kinetic Chain Assessment Specialist one - both of these seem really interesting and are right up my street but finances are tight at the moment so I may have to either sell a few things or pimp myself out - again ;o)

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